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Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

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Can you define a moment in your life that has influenced you in such a profound way or has at least had a significant effect that lasted for years to come? For me on such moment started a journey in photography whilst on a holiday to Rome in Italy. The moment was started 20 years ago at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore close to the Roma Termini railway station.

The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is certainly not the most famous of places in Rome, but it was the first building that I stumbled upon after exiting the train station.

Prior to this trip, my exposure to historic architecture had been Canterbury Cathedral, a few castles in Kent and the sights of London in the UK. On my first day in Rome, I remember leaving the Roma Termini train station armed with my Pratika MTL3 camera ready for the sites of the city. Upon seeing the Basilica Di Santa Maria Maggiore I was captivated. The moment was impressed on my mind for ever.

I must have stood admiring the Basilica for 10 minutes, taking photos and soaking up its presence before I realised I was looking at the back of the building and what to come was even more impressive.

Rome has to be on of the top city destinations for travel photographers and my memories of Rome, some 20 years ago, are still with me today.

This post is the first of several which will cover my visit to Rome 20 years ago. The photos are from a film camera and the negatives have been scanned and retouched in Photoshop.

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