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Ponte di Roma

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Make sure you take time to visit the Ponte di Roma or Bridges of Rome if you get the chance. Most likely if you are walking to the Piazza San Pietro to visit the Basilica and the Vatican, you will walk along the River Tiber and get to enjoy the bridges along the way.

The photos are from my visit to Rome some 20 years ago. The film negatives were scanned and the images were retouched in Photoshop. The above photo is a view of the High Court of Appeal across the River Tiber with the Ponte Umberto

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View across the River Tiber with the Ponte Sant’Angelo and the Castel Sant’Angelo in the background.

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View of the Ponte Sant’Angelo from the other bank of the River Tiber

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View across the Ponte Saint Angelo towards the Via del Banco di Santo Spirito.